Ending 2016 and prepping for 2017

2016 has been such an amazing year!! This is the year that I really took on what Goddess Life means to Me and how to create it for Myself. I moved into a Goddess Palace with other Goddesses, where we can be our kinky selves and have slaves serve us. As soon as I made the decision to move and find a place, within a week I had manifested Goddess roommates and an amazing duplex with all the amenities that make My home life luxurious and create sacred space for Us to live in. I took taking care of My body and mind to a new level: regular workouts, meditation, and healthy eating. I've also become so clear around what being a Lifestyle and professional Dominatrix means to Me, developing My personal slave relationships and taking My business to greater heights. I'm ready to start off 2017 with this intention and power to surpass even bigger goals! My definition of a Goddess is a woman who is in touch with her divinity, who knows what she wants, and betters herself to get it. This is a daily practice for Me. I hope everyone can think of ways to improve themselves and expand in 2017. The only way to have our lives change is to change ourselves! Are you ready to make changes, to evolve, to better than you were yesterday? 
